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It's her story to tell...


Tenchi. Alyssa.
Bubbly. Kid at heart.
Dancer -- Lord's Artwerkz, Ateneo Dance Troupe.

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Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

July 2011
September 2011


Layout Designer:

Saturday 10 September 2011


           In our first meeting, none of us are participating, due to our shyness. Maybe some of our members know each other but majority isn't and some may annoy to the performance of our other member. We are compose of 10 members, 6 girls and 4 boys. In this day, Sir had ordered us to pick a leader into our group. But Still none of us are participating. But suddenly, Rafhael braked the Ice. and so the other members are now starting to participate. After a minute not more thabn an hour we have decided who should be our Leader. Majority of us picked Rafael. So these are the following group members:

TUNGPALAN, Raphael S. [Leader]
GALENDEZ, Tessa Dianne A.
BAÑEZ, Elaine Joy
BASAÑES, Jonette
DANAN, Wendy[Synthesizer]
CABALIDA, Earl Christian B. [Secretary]
LACASER, Jayson Paul
PASILBAS, Alyssa Denise [Documenter]

                This was our first meet-up. It was terrible because we are not complete. But still we did not lose hope and we try to figure out what to do. Then our leader instructed us that we should come up with an Idea that gives us the definition and the relationship between Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics in our real life.

(2 photos above show how we discussed the flow of the play)

(discussed what props to make and the characters for the play)

The play went something like this:

SCENE 1: Class room
(Perks walks into the class
Perks(teacher): Good morning students, today we will have a lesson about micro and macro economics. (makes a 3 min lesson and disscuses what micro and macro economics is
Wendy: Sir what is the relevance of Micro and Macro economics? 
Perks: explains the relevance of micro economics and why it is so important. He then explains what the students culminating project is ( And with that I will now introduce your culminating project for this year..you must come up with your own product and try to sell it within our school boundaries…you must include every single detail on why you chose this product and how you came up with it.)

Wendy and Tessa: Discuss about the product 
Wendy : what do you think we should do? 
Tessa: I think we need to think of a product that is well known and is easy to market. 
Wendy: how about chips? 
Tessa: That’s perfect! Its marketable and is well known and tasty at the same time! 
Wendy: Chips it is, What kind of chips should we make? What kinda of potatoes should we  use and what other ingredients would we need to make these successful? 
Tessa: Lets try sweet potatoes, They are more cheap and more efficient since they are more larger in size then regular potatoes.

Wendy: that’s perfect we could use some extra money for other ingredients too. 
Tessa: alright lets go to the market place to pick up some stuff after school.
(students go to the market place after school
Scene 2: Market place/ Grocery store 
Tessa and wendy pick up sweet potatoes and walk to the cashier. 
Tessa: good thing we bought the sweet potatoes  instead of yellow Yukon gold ones. They are a lot more efficient and have a unique taste to them.

Wendy: your right and besides if did buy the Yukon’s gold ones we would have spent more because they are small and over priced.

(Tessa and wendy make their way to the cashier.
Cashier: that would be 150 pesos mam. 
Tessa: Whoa I never knew that this much of an amount potatoes could be this cheap we now have extra money for salt and oil and all the other necessities now.

Scene 3:

(Teacher walks in)
Teacher: Good morning students, are you ready with your projects? 
Students: yes sir. 
Teachers: alright lets get started.
(Students start to  market and distribute their products within the class.)
(Tessa offers the teacher a sample
Teacher: Mmmm what is this? Its genius! You might have a future within in the marketing world with this product. So unique and different you should consider following through even after today. 
(Tessa explains what the product is
Alyssa Then day dreams about the future….. 
A successful business being constructed: 
Scene 4: Fresh out of business school 
Tessa and wendy Graduate and decide to continue with the potato chip business. 
Tessa: Hey I’ve been thinking, Maybe we should continue on with our marketing project and put up our own business.

Wendy: The chip business? From our economics class? 
Tessa Yeah! Sir himself said it could stand a chance in the markets and maybe we could actually be successful.

Wendy: but we would need some capital first right? And where can we get that money? 
Tessa: Well make a loan from the bank.
(both Alyssa and wendy head to the bank
Scene 5: The bank. 
Bank teller: welcome to the _____bank how may I help you? 
Wendy: we would like to apply for a loan for our new business we’re trying to put up. 
Bank teller: Okay, we need the details to your business so that we may verify that every statement is legitimate. So please fill out this form and you will be able to receive your money.
(Tessa and Wendy Fill out the form and receive money from the teller
Scene 6: Hiring workers.
(Applicants are in waiting room and being interviewed
Tessa: good after noon and welcome to the _________company where we make the freshest and tastiest chips. 
Earl: (Gives a brief discription and his past work details and reason why they should hire him
Ivy: (Gives a brief discription and her past work details and reason why they should hire her
Tessa Now that we’ve heard all of your details and gone through your paper work wend y and I believe you are qualified to work for us and to join our company. 
Scene 6: Investor
Ring ring ring ring
Wendy: Hello? 
John : Hello I am  calling inregardes to your company. 
Tessa: Yes sir how may I help you? 
John: I would like to invest money into your company so that your product can grow globably and internationally.

Tessa: Sure, We should have a meeting with the other memembers and share holders so that we can further disscuss our companies future. 
John: of course I will fly out next week and I will expound on my reason of interest in buying into your product. 
( John: I will say some more random things about the product to make the scene longer and in scene 7 it will just be us in a office and a diagram of a globe with red dots in each country representing our products growth and factories that we have put up.)

The End!

It may seem short but we’ll expand on the rest during the practice.

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9:33 pm